Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Pairing: Seifer/Squall Warnings: None Rating: G Summary: A good way to shut someone up. For calliopepurple on my first kiss meme.
Fandom: Phoenix Wright (no spoilers) Pairing: Edgeworth/Gumshoe Warnings: None Rating: G Summary: If Edgeworth didn't know Gumshoe, he'd have said it was impossible. For darkranger on my first kiss meme.
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV Pairing: Kain/Edge Warnings: None Rating: G Summary: A satisfactory side effect to kisses. For first_seventhe, on my first kiss meme.
Fandom: Final Fantasy X-2 Pairing: Baralai/Yuna Warnings: Angst Rating: G Summary: She felt uncomfortable being alone with him. For feywood on my first kisses meme.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Pairing: Seifer/Irvine Warnings: None Rating: PG Summary: Hell of a way to confess a crush. For calliopepurple and first_seventhe.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Pairing: Seifer/Selphie Warnings: None Rating: G Summary: Seifer really didn't find it funny. For first_seventhe on my first kisses meme.